Become a Latham® Dealer

Are you looking to diversify your income or bring another generation home to the family farm? Latham’s dealer program is ready for you.
See what it’s Like to be a Part of Our Family
Our success depends on yours. Our dealers sell with confidence, through a farm-proven lineup and a company they can trust.
Top 5 Reasons to be a Latham® Dealer
Shared Family Values.
As a family-owned company, we understand the importance of building a legacy in agriculture. We’re focused on giving farmers personal solutions today, so they can grow even stronger legacies tomorrow.
quality Seed Production.
With more than 75 years’ experience, we’ve developed a reputation for producing the highest quality products. That’s why “quality” is stamped on every bag of Latham brand soybeans.
Proven Performance.
The seed experts of Latham Seeds help select the best seeds for your acres – regardless of where the genetics or traits originated. As a regional company, we focus on selecting products that perform best in your fields. Unlike the mega companies whose products are planted across America, Latham Seeds focuses on meeting local needs like IDC in soybeans or tar spot in corn.
Product Placement Support.
Latham’s Sales Agronomists work with local seed sellers all year long to build product confidence. They walk customers’ fields throughout the growing season and offer insights to maximize product performance, helping place our products field-by-field.
Great Income with Flexible Hours.
A Latham seed dealership complements a farming operation and often allows the next generation to come home. It also makes a great “side hustle” to save for kids’ college educations, family vacations or home improvements. Plus, our annual dealer meetings are family friendly.
Reach Out To Latham Seeds Today!
Leave us your contact information so we can reach out with additional details on how this opportunity can bring value to your farm and family: