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For more than 75 years, Latham® Hi‑Tech Seeds has served farmers with the latest seed genetics, highest-quality products and unparalleled hometown service. But Bill Latham’s cancer diagnosis spurred a new way to serve: funding the treatment and research of cancer.

One in three people are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and the disease affects millions of others. That’s why — for more than a decade — Latham Seeds has been a proud supporter of the American Cancer Society (ACS), beginning with its involvement in Coaches vs. Cancer. As die-hard Iowa State fans and basketball enthusiasts, we began sponsoring the Cyclones Charity Stripe event for Coaches vs. Cancer in 2013. Eventually, we expanded our support to the Hawkeyes’ program. Each season, our family-owned company donates money to the ACS for every free throw made by a Cyclone and Hawkeye player.

Through our sponsorship of the Charity Stripe Promotion, Latham Seeds has given more than $65,000 to the ACS. Each year representatives from Latham Seeds are honors at half court of a college basketball game to present a check to the ACS.

Iowa Resized
January 20, 2024 Hawkeye Basketball Game

“Our family’s experience gave us a new appreciation for all the lifesaving research, treatment and support provided by the American Cancer Society,” John Latham says. “After my dad’s stem cell transplant, he and my mom stayed in the Gift of Life Transplant House. They truly felt surrounded by caring people, which meant the world to them and our entire family.”

Latham Seeds’ partnership with the ACS was further deepened in 2022 when the company launched a campaign called “Sowing Seeds of Hope” in celebration of its 75th Anniversary. The goal is to raise $75,000 for the American Cancer Society within three years.

Help Us Sow More Seeds of Hope

Hope hero imageThanks to Latham® Dealers, customers and employees, the company met its goal of raising $25,000 in the first year of the campaign. We need your help to stay on track to meet our goal for Year Two of this campaign.

Below are three quick and easy ways you can help during the 2023-2024 sales year:

  1. Share our social posts. Latham Seeds will be recognized for its contribution to American Cancer Society at half court during the Cyclones men’s basketball games in Ames on Feb. 25. Feel free to “like” and “share” our related social media posts on Facebook, X (Twitter) and Instagram.
  2. Promote designated hybrids. For every unit sold of LH 3937 VT2 PRO, LH 5377 VT2 PRO and LH 6477 VT2 PRO, Latham Seeds will give $1 to the American Cancer Society.
  3. Donate. If you feel so inclined you can make an online donation. You can also write a check payable to the American Cancer Society and mail it to Latham Seeds, 131 180th, Alexander, IA 50420. We also appreciate the dealers who let us know they’re providing an additional $1 donation on each of the designated “HOPE” hybrids.

Thank you for joining our mission to fight cancer, one unit at a time! Learn more about this amazing opportunity.