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Cy Charity Stripe LogoRepresentatives from Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds took to center court Saturday in James H. Hilton Coliseum in Ames, Iowa, as we were one of three Iowa-based companies being recognized for supporting the Cyclone Charity Stripe.  This promotion raises money for every free throw the Iowa State Cyclones Men’s Basketball team makes during the 2013-14 basketball season; donations benefit the American Cancer Society through Coaches vs. Cancer.

Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds is proud to support the Cyclone Charity Stripe, which raises money for Coaches vs. Cancer with every free throw the ISU Men’s Basketball team makes during the 2013-14 season
Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds is proud to support the Cyclone Charity Stripe, which raises money for Coaches vs. Cancer with every free throw the ISU Men’s Basketball team makes during the 2013-14 season

Coaches vs. Cancer evolved from a concept championed by Norm Stewart, former head coach of the University of Missouri men’s basketball program.  As a cancer survivor and member of the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC), Coach Stewart challenged fans to pledge a dollar amount for points made by his team.  The American Cancer Society and the NABC adopted that concept in 1993, transforming it into a nationwide effort “to provide help and hope to people facing cancer.”

Providing support for the American Cancer Society and helping raise awareness for cancer prevention and early detection is a cause that’s near and dear to our family.  John’s mother and his paternal grandmother, Evelyn Latham, are both breast cancer survivors.  John’s dad and our company’s past president, Bill Latham, is about to celebrate the four-year anniversary of his stem cell transplant.

ISU Men’s Head Basketball Coach Fred Hoiberg sports tennis shoes in support of Coaches vs. Cancer during Saturday’s game in Hilton Coliseum. Iowa State defeated #22 Kansas State, 81-75.
ISU Men’s Head Basketball Coach Fred Hoiberg sports tennis shoes in support of Coaches vs. Cancer during Saturday’s game in Hilton Coliseum. Iowa State defeated #22 Kansas State, 81-75.

Because we know first-hand what a gift “hope” can be, we’re glad to help support the American Cancer Society and Iowa State University’s Cyclone Charity Stripe Promotion.

Free throws this season have net $17,000 for the American Cancer Society, and points in the charity stripe helped the Cyclones defeat the Kansas State Wildcats.  Now that’s what I call a “win, win situation”!  Click here to see video highlights of Saturday’s game in Hilton.
