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Latham® customers today are getting a first-hand look at new hybrid seed corn and soybean traits during field stops on the 2nd annual Latham Freedom of Independence Ride.  One such stop is a Genuity® Technology Showcase, featuring Genuity® SmartStaxTM and Genuity Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soybeans.

Genuity Technology Showcases are an important step to helping evaluate useful product concepts like Genuity Smart Stax, which will be a principal component for Refuge in the Bag (RIB). Pending regulatory approval, the single-bag RIB concept for Genuity SmartStax corn and Genuity VT Double PROTM corn will put the required refuge for Insect Resistance Management (IRM) into the same bag as the fully traited corn.  Once approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a 5% RIB option will provide an IRM strategy for above-and below-ground insect management that is delivered to the field. 

The Genuity SmartStax RIB product concept uses the same multiple modes of action for broad-spectrum insect control as Genuity SmartStax, which was launched this season and reduces structured refuge from 20% to 5% in the Corn Belt. Genuity SmartStax is the only hybrid seed corn product that is currently approved for a 5% refuge; it has the lowest required refuge in the Corn Belt. 

NOTE:  Pioneer’s Optimum® AcreMax TM 1 is not a true single-bag solution for RIB.  The 10% in-the-bag corn rootworm refuge carries a separate 20% above-ground refuge requirement for Optimum AcreMax. For more clarity regarding refuge requirements, listen to this audio clip: Genuity SmartStax Corn.