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Now that fall harvest is complete, it’s the perfect time to take a walk in your fields. A recent Wallaces Farmer reminds readers to collect soil samples (1) to determine whether soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) are present, and (2) to develop management strategies to control nematode numbers in those fields that are infested.

“The key to profitable long-term soybean production in SCN-infested fields is to prevent SCN from increasing,” says Greg Tylka, Extension nematologist at Iowa State University.  Taking soil samples this fall can help save you money in the long run.

Soil Sampling Guidelines

  • The more soil cores collected and the smaller the area sampled, the more accurate the results will be.
  • Soil cores should be from the upper eight inches of soil.
  • If corn or some other non-host crop was last grown in the field, it doesn’t matter if soil cores are collected in the previous crop’s row.

Click here for the full list of soil sampling guidelines and to read the complete article.

(Source: Wallaces Farmer)