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There’s big news across the seed industry!  Genuity® VT Double PRO® RIB Complete™ recently received registration from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

This is great news for Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds customers as they will have another true, single-bag refuge option (RIB) for managing above-ground pests.  Genuity VT2 PRO RIB Complete, as well as Genuity® SmartStax® RIB Complete, will be broadly available to farmers in 2012. 

Latham’s Genuity VT2 PRO RIB Complete is a blend of 95% Genuity VT Double Pro and 5% refuge (non-BT) seed, delivering the lowest refuge in the corn growing area for above ground pests.  VT2 PRO is actually a triple-stack product as it contains two traits for above-ground protection of pests like European Corn Borer, Corn Earworm and Fall Armyworm, in addition to the Roundup Ready trait.  I look at this product as a different kind of triple stack, one that is specifically made for rotated ground and not for corn-on-corn situations. 
Contact your local Latham® dealer or call our office at 1-877-GO-LATHAM to order your Latham Genuity VT2 PRO today!  

The following Latham hybrids are still available as Latham Genuity VT Double Pro RIB Complete: LH 3557 VT2 PRO, LH 4227 VT2 PRO, LH 5465 VT2 PRO and LH 5875 VT2 PRO.  All four of these products are tremendous new genetics that offer fantastic top-end yields in rotated ground.