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The 2010 harvest will be complete at least one month sooner for the farmers with whom I’ve had the pleasure of talking to as their combining their fields.  (A great, big thank you to those Latham® customers who so graciously let me go a few rounds with them.  It was great fun!)  Everyone I rode with mentioned they will have finished combining all of their crops this year before they even started on corn last year.  What a difference a year makes!

Certainly, the early harvest has people talking.  Of course, farmers are talking about the weather – and the long stretch of warm, dry, sunny days we’ve been blessed with.  In addition, they’re talking about the great yields they’re getting with Latham® products.  Below is a summary of harvest progress and results for several regions throughout our six-state marketing territory.


If the weather holds the rest of this week, most growers in Steve Bailie’s area will either be done with harvest or their bins will be full. With the amazing corn and bean crop this year, many southwest Wisconsin farmers have filled their bins and are also sending some new crop to a local grain elevator.  In addition to the amazing yields, the corn and bean high market prices also have farmers smiling. Many farmers will realize more income that they originally expected.

One hybrid that has been doing particularly well in Steve’s territory is Latham LH 5536 VT3.  Last week Steve saw this hybrid go over 240 bushels per acre across a 150-acre field. The overall field average was 219 bushel, which is pretty amazing considering this farm has a lower fertility factor than desired for that kind of yield. Many farmers in the southwest part of Steve’s territory also have been very pleased with their bean yields. It hasn’t been uncommon to hear reports of 80-bushel beans. The overall average in this area will be 65 to 68 bu/A, up from 58 to 60 bu/A in recent years.

That being said, Steve recommends growers consider soil sampling this fall for a few reasons: 

  1. Record yields in some areas probably took record amounts of fertility from the soil. 
  2. It’s also a good time to study areas where improvements can be made.
  3. Finish your cropping plans for the 2011 growing season. 

Northeast Iowa

Nick Benson says soybean harvest is 99% complete in his area.  Now that all of the beans have been combined, it’s very apparent farmers here had the best yields in recent years.  Latham Hi‑Tech Soybeans with the Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 YieldTM technology lived up to their expectations.  Yesterday, Nick took a call from a happy customer who reported that his Latham L2440s beat S21-N6s by 10 bushel! Most growers will finish harvesting corn by the week’s end, and corn yields have been variable.  Some of the top performers in Nick’s area are LH 5425 VT3 and LH 5376 VT3.  Hybrids to keep an eye on in 2011 are LH 4844 3000GT, LH 4999 VT3 PRO, LH 5266 3000GT, LH 5645 3000GT and last, but certainly not least, LH 5877 VT3 PRO.

West Central Iowa

More soil has been turning black in North Central Iowa each day.  Bart Peterson says soybean harvest is complete and corn is 99% done; West Central Iowa is done with soybeans and 65% done with corn. Latham Hi‑Tech Soybeans with Genuity® Roundup Ready to YieldTM technology continue to be the talk here with L2440R2 and L2084R2 topping most plots.  Latham Hi‑Tech Hybrids are also performing strong.  The following hybrids have topped plots throughout West Central Iowa: LH 5877 VT3 Pro, LH 5896 VT3 and LH 6057 SS.

Northwest Iowa

Harvest is coming to an end this week in Tom Larson’s area.  There were a lot of exciting yields recorded, including LH 5376VT3 that yielded 274 bushels per acre.  Another great performer has been LH 5228VT3Latham soybean brands with Genuity® Roundup Ready to YieldTM technology are the yield kings here, with several farmers boasting 80-bushel yields from L2440R2. Many of Latham’s tried and true R1 soybeans are still performing strong here including: L2085R, L2285R, L2560R and L2635R. Yield data will be posted soon on

North Central Iowa

Kevin Meyer reports harvest proceeded at break-neck pace in his area this week.  Soybeans are done, and 85% of the corn has been harvested.  Corn yields have been uneven, depending on rainfall and lack/loss of nitrogen, but it’s still a good corn crop. With soybean harvest complete, many farmers are turning their attention to the next crop year. A very strong performance from RR2Y’s and the other products in Latham’s line-up this season is a great start to your cropping plan.  Placement of products on field-by-field basis according to soil type and field history is the key to higher yields, year after year.

South Dakota

South Dakota is ahead of the five-year average with only 5% of the soybeans and about 60% of the corn acres left to be harvested.  Bill Eichacker says yields this year will be another one for the record books in many areas.  Corn moisture and test weight are more appealing than last year as most of the corn is 57 pounds or higher and moisture is in the teens. 

Northern Missouri

All of the rainfall received in Missouri throughout the summer really took a toll on yield this year.

Considering the conditions, Rick Foster says harvest is going quite well with 80-bushel corn.  Soybean yields have been ranging from 40 to 45 bushels per acre.

South Central Iowa

Some producers in Travis Slusher’s area have finished with harvest and now are focused on tillage, tiling and fall fertilizer application.  Soybean harvest is complete and farmers are finishing up corn harvest.  For the most part, corn yields have been variable depending upon soil types and how much water pressure the crop was under.  Latham® Hi‑Tech Hybrids LH5645 3000GT, stood up very well – compared to competitors and other hybrids – in the low, heavy soils where there was an extreme amount of pressure due to wet soils.