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In 2018, the EPA extended the registration for over-the-top use of select dicamba products to control weeds in soybean and cotton fields that are genetically engineered to resist dicamba. This registration included label updates which add certain measures to further minimize the potential of off-target damage. This registration will automatically expire on December 20, 2020, unless the EPA extends it further. Listed below are some of the FEDERAL updates now in effect:

  • Only certified applicators may apply dicamba over-the-top; applicators working under the direct supervision of certified persons are no longer qualified.
  • Post-emerge applications to soybeans are prohibited 45 days after planting or later.
  • Applications are allowed only from 1 hour after sunrise to 2 hours before sunset.
  • In counties where endangered species exist the downwind buffer will remain at 110 feet and there is a new 57-foot buffer around the other sides of the field.
  • Training periods for 2019 and beyond will be clarified, ensuring more consistency across all three registered products: XtendiMax®, Engenia® and FeXapan®.
  • Tank clean-out instructions will be
    further enhanced.
  • Enhanced labels to improve the awareness of the impact of low pH’s on volatility.
  • Label clean up and consistency to improve compliance and enforceability.
In addition to these updates, some state Departments of Agriculture have additional restrictions. Here are a few standouts from states in Latham Country:

Minnesota: Must not apply dicamba herbicides after June 20th. There will be no temperature restriction for 2019.

North Dakota: Must not apply dicamba after June 30th. Keeping records of dicamba applications is required and will be strictly enforced.

South Dakota: Must not apply dicamba after June 30th, 45 days after planting or the R1 (beginning bloom) stage of soybeans, whichever comes first. Applicators must also pass a short exam after training is completed.

Illinois: Must not apply dicamba after June 30th. Do not apply when the wind is blowing toward adjacent residential areas. Before spraying, the applicator must consult the FieldWatch sensitive crop registry. Further restrictions apply when spraying near the downfield edge of any Illinois Nature Preserves Commission Site.

These are just some of the new requirements for the application of dicamba over-the-top of soybeans in 2019. There may be additional restrictions from the states not mentioned above or from local authorities. If you will be applying any of the dicamba products in 2019, make certain you attend the required ANNUAL training and conform to what the label requires. Please make these restrictions a high priority so we can continue to use this valuable tool in the fight against weed resistance!