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Northeast Iowa & Southeast Minnesota

Craig Haaland

Rain over the weekend brought harvest to a standstill once again. This rainy fall weather has delayed harvest by about two weeks. Soybean fields are about 80% done here, and corn harvest has just gotten started.

Farmers were just starting to roll again yesterday afternoon on soybeans. There’s an urgency to finish soybeans this week as the forecast is calling for snow on Saturday.

Latham’s popular 2084’s have been going 60 bushels plus, which is really good for Mitchell County Iowa. The hybrid pictured here is LH 5099 SS, which is a really good 100-day corn. The ears filled out to the top and is coming out of this field at 19% moisture.

Yields in Northern Iowa and Southern Minnesota has been really good so far. I’m hearing yield reports from 215 to 245 bushels per acre.


North Central Iowa & South Central Minnesota

Cory Greiman

This morning I’m getting ready to harvest my last Latham SuperStrip corn plot at Zach Greiman’s farm near Garner, Iowa.  Maturities range from 94 to 107.  Yesterday we harvested Latham dealer Scott Rasmussen’s SuperStrip corn plot and it was fantastic! Maturities there ranged from 99 to 110 with 28 entries in the plot. The entire plot averaged 250.82 bu/acre. Check out these and other plot results on

Wishing everyone a safe harvest as we come into the home stretch! Remember to take breaks, stay hydrated and keep alert.

Cory 1

West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

Latham® Dealer John Lacina, and his son Alan of Badger Iowa, opened up a corn field last night at dusk. Yields on the monitor were 200+ bushels in this field of LH 6105 VT2 PRO at 16.0 to 17.5% moisture.


Central Iowa

Bryan Rohe

Farmers across Central Iowa are about 90% done with soybean harvest. Yields are running between 55 and 85 bushels per acre. Soil variations really showed this year. Corn harvest is underway with about 90% left to harvest. Yields are ranging from 160 o 247 bu/A.

Stay safe this harvest season!


Northwest Iowa

Darin Chapman

This field of L 2184 R2X Latham soybeans averaged  72 bushels per acre on this Northwest Iowa farm. You can see the cereal rye is coming in nicely due to the late fall rains.



Western Iowa & Eastern Nebraska

Larry Krapfl

This Latham® soybean plot near Castana, Iowa, showed good yields for a challenging growing season. Latham brand 3158 L went 58 bushels per acre and L 2978 L ran 57 bu/A.


Southern Wisconsin

Greg Mair

As the sun begins to set on soybean harvest, corn harvest is ramping up.  We harvested our first Latham Hi‑Tech Hybrids SuperStrip plot on Oct. 20 in Ripon, Wisc.  It’s not surprising that LH 5099 SS RIB won the plot with yields between 249 and 251 bushels/acre.

Yield reports of above-expected yields are coming in from growers across my territory. Some have commented they have fields outperforming their record yields from 2016! Delayed harvest with wet, cool weather may mean that growers are harvesting corn above the ideal harvest moisture. It may be worth spending a little extra on drying costs to secure yields before stalks lose their integrity.


Eastern North Dakota

Brian McNamee

Very few soybean fields remain as farmers across my region are moving into corn. Overall, I would say 2017 is an average soybean crop year statewide. Many good corn yields are being reported. Overall, growers have been pleasantly surprised with their yields as rain was sparse is so many areas throughout the growing season.

In this picture, I’m riding with a grower in Central ND as he combines LH 3877. His stand was beautiful, and his yield is more than 20 bushels above the APH. You would never guess that this field got such a severe hail event in early June that many of the neighboring soybean fields were replanted.

Many growers are still undecided about their plans for 2018. Please call your local Latham® Seeds representation soon, so they can offer you any every and any option in the toolbox.


Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske

Information is power. Farmers are testing varieties on their farm. Latham® dealers and RSM’s are harvesting SuperStrip trials. In addition, the Latham production team is working with independent research teams to harvest and analyze literally hundreds and thousands of new hybrids. They compare experimental numbers to our current product lineup, so we can bring you the best Latham products available.

Learn more about the proven performance of Latham brand products this fall at a post-harvest meeting near you! Our event schedule will be posted soon on, as well as under “events” on Facebook.



Northeast South Dakota

James Keltgen

Harvest is moving right along now that Mother Nature is cooperating! Soybean harvest is wrapping up and growers are moving into corn. A lot of yield reports from the Watertown area are coming in over 200 bushels per acre, which is fantastic especially when you consider the growing conditions. Moistures are running 17 to 20% in 90- to 94-day maturities. Snow has been forecasted later in the week, so everyone is pushing hard to get as much harvested as possible before the weather turns!


Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

Ross and Levi from B&B Sales worked with me to take out our first Latham corn plot last Friday in Dell Rapids, South Dakota. Moisture was anywhere from 19 to 23%. Yields ran from 191 to 223 bushels per acre (bu/A).

Growers in my area are transitioning from soybeans to corn, and I’m excited to hear more yield results! I expect corn yields will really vary across Southeast South Dakota where the drought got drastically worse as you moved west.

I’m seeing stalk rots in fields as we do pre-harvest checks. Many environmental factors have attributed to this: hot summer nights, which prevented corn from resting; strong wind and hail events that damaged stalks and made entry points; plus lots of late-season moisture and humidity, which creates perfect fungal growing conditions. With that being said, take time to do some pre-harvest field checks. Make sure you harvest the worst first! Three days of strong winds will do a number on corn that is already beaten up, so do what you can to keep the corn off the ground.

Ramie 1

Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness

Monday and Tuesday of this week we harvested Latham’s corn and soybean research plot near Emerado, North Dakota. These plots help our company select and develop products that will out-yield the competition and provide a field-by-field regional advantage!

This is a great time of the year to get a view from the seat of the combine. You can tell a lot about compaction, weed pressure and other situations that will impact your crop. Take notes to help you address some of these challenges by picking right seed for each of your field. Remember to put safety first and have a great harvest season!


Southern Minnesota

Brandon Wendlandt

As we were harvesting this Latham plot of LibertyLink soybeans in Morgan, Minnesota, I couldn’t help but notice how clean this field was! The plot cooperator reported that his whole field averaged 65 bushels per acre, which is a great yield for this area. If you’re having trouble with weed control, I’d love to visit with you. Look to Latham Seeds for a full lineup of weed control options!
