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Eastern North Dakota

Brain McNamee

Brian photo 1

This field of Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds’ LH 3877 VT2 PRO RIB was planted May 4. Planting depth and spacing looked good. It also emerged really well.

Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske


A nice rain fell Tuesday morning, so moisture is reaching planting depth. Warm, moist soils will lead to quick germination and emergence. It’s important to get pre-emerge herbicide applied before the crop emerges in no-till and minimum-till fields.

Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

Ramie 1

A lot of planting progress was made this past week. We got plots planted for Estelline Co-op Grain in Estelline and B&B Sales at Dell Rapids.

Northeast South Dakota

James Keltgen


Beautiful weather prevails! Crops are being planted at a record pace in Northeast South Dakota. Corn is all but finished, and soybeans are closing in on the finish line. Warm, sunny weather has given us a great window to get crops planted and moisture is expected this week to give them a drink.

Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness


Latham® Dealer Ray Beutz and his son, Matthew, planted a Latham corn SuperStrip plot on May 12 near Albany, Minnesota.

Southern Minnesota

Brandon Wendlandt


This Latham Hybrid SuperStrip was planted Monday by Sanborn, Minnesota. While these plots are also good ways to promote local dealerships, SuperStrip plots are primarily used for in-house research. SuperStrips help us determine which products to keep, remove or add to our product lineup. Field notes are taken throughout the growing season and information is analyzed after harvest.

Southern Wisconsin

Greg Mair

Greg 1

Almost 50% of corn acres and 15% of soybean acres are planted in Wisconsin.  While we have a ways to go to finish #plant17, good weather should allow a lot of acres to be completed soon.

Latham® corn and soybean SuperStrip plots went in on all corners of the region this past week. We also planted a Latham Corn Silage plot in Barron County.

Fields that were planted between April 20-27 have finally pushed through the soil surface after poor growing conditions delayed emergence.  This photo taken of LH 5885 VT2 PRO shows great emergence and early vigor when planted in a no-till situation.

Northwest Iowa

Darin Chapman

Darin 1

Other Brothers Inc. recently joined that Latham® dealer team, and we’re excited to see them hit the ground running! Here Matt Saboe is pictured getting their Latham Hi‑Tech Hybrids SuperStrip plot ready.

South Central MN & North Central IA

Cory Greiman

We’re able to row this field of LH 5099 SS RIB. This SmartStax Refuge in the Bag hybrid has earned Latham’s designation as a Gladiator hybrid, which means it has dual modes of action for above-ground insects including: Corn Earworm, Fall Armyworm, European Corn Borer and Southwestern Corn Borer. This particular hybrid also is a boss on Goss’s Wilt.

Southeast Minnesota & Northeast Iowa

Craig Haaland


A Latham customer near Osage, Iowa, put LH 5509 SS in the ground on Friday, May 12. The weather was absolutely beautiful. It was one of those days when you’re glad to have a reason to spend it outside.

Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders

Latham® dealer Kevin Squires is passing on the farming tradition to his son, Adam. The duo worked Monday to plant a Latham plot.

One advantage of working with family-owned, independent Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds is the variety of options we provide. Here a farmer cooperator puts in a Latham® SuperStrip plot, which showcases different traits and technologies including LibertyLink soybeans.

West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

It’s been a crazy week of weather! Late Monday afternoon, May 15, storms moved across West Central and North Central Iowa. I was driving by the junction of Highways 3 and 17 just east of Goldfield when marble- to golf ball-sized hail began to fall. You could’ve snow plowed the hail because it was that heavy.

Central Iowa

Bryan Rohe

It’s time to check emergence and stand. From what I have seen so far, the stand looks pretty good. Be sure to check all of your fields as recent rains may have caused some ponding and flooding in areas. Click here for tips on evaluating corn replant options.

Western Iowa & Eastern Nebraska

Larry Krapfl

Look at all the technology going into this plot! We planted a Latham soybean plot near Friend, Nebraska, with the following:

8 Roundup Ready 2 products
4 Balance GT*
6 R2 Xtend

**Balance™ GT Soybeans are not currently for sale by Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds until Balance Bean herbicide (Isoxaflutole) receives full regulatory approval.