Paintbrush strokes dividing page

Eastern North Dakota 

Brain McNamee

Once all the acres have been planted (and replanted), it’s time to clean out the sheds and get ready for the next season. Our 2018 sales season is underway now!


Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske

Regional plot by Glyndon cleaned up and ready for signs!

Gary G


Northeast South Dakota

James Keltgen

The number of drought-affected areas is growing across South Dakota. Corn has pretty much burned up in Central SD up to about Redfield. It also looks pretty tough from Howard to Mitchell. Areas that received rains are still hanging on, but the 90- to 100-degree weather is taking its toll. Spotty rain came through Tuesday night and brought hail that ranged in size from tennis ball to softball. It’s been a rough go this year in this territory as those gentle, consistent rains needed to make a bumper crop just aren’t falling.

Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

As temperatures continue to hang out in the 90s, our corn has an onion-like appearance as a defense mechanism against the heat.


Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness

Dairy cows on Latham® dealer Ray Beutz’s farm in Albany, Minnesota, eat contentedly.  Crops are coming along nicely. I’m standing in a very nice field of Latham’s LH 5492 GT.

Southern Minnesota

Brandon Wendlandt

LH 5215 VT2 PRO RIB is starting to tassel in this field, which was planted on April 24.


Southern Wisconsin

Greg Mair

It’s important to be a vigilant scout! Japanese Beetles are just starting to feed on soybeans. They feed on green leaf tissue and fresh silks, potentially causing yield losses. Continue to scout your fields and be prepared to treat for insects if you reach thresholds. Click here for additional information about Japanese beetles, including threshold levels.


Northwest Iowa

Darin Chapman

Farmers are happy with the looks of their Latham LibertyLink soybeans in Northwest Iowa! With all the different options we offer with Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds, it is good to have good communications. Remember to post flags and signs to notify others what herbicides are being used.


South Central Minnesota & North Central Iowa

Cory Greiman

A big storm came through North Iowa on Monday Night. Softball size hail and 90 mile per hour winds damage near Garner, IA.Cory picture

Southeast Minnesota & Northeast Iowa

Craig Haaland

This field was planted in late April near Osage, Iowa, to one of Latham’s most popular hybrids. LH 5509 SS, which was planted corn-on-corn field looks fantastic. Corn fields are looking great and the bean fields are really taken off now that we’ve had some heat. We had been experiencing a bit of a dry spell lately, so the splash of rain we received earlier this week was welcome.


West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

Look at this great standing corn! This field of LH 5095 VT2 PRO RIB was planted April 11 near Rolfe, Iowa. This particular 100-day corn yield big. I’ve seen it beat LH 5215 VT2 PRO RIB, which is Latham Seeds’ #1 selling corn. Consider planting a multi-hybrid package, including these two numbers, in 2018!



Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders

Latham corn and soybeans off to great start in Eastern Iowa @ Tim Meade plot near Iowa City. Contact your local Latham dealer to see the new products at plot near you.

Central Iowa

Bryan Rohe

Tassels are forming on this corn, which was planted April 11 in Adel, Iowa.

Western Iowa & Eastern Nebraska

Larry Krapfl

Adult Japanese beetles are active! Be sure you’re scouting fields to protect yield. Adults feed on soybean leaf tissues between veins. Considering treating soybeans at 20% leaf defoliation.

Image result for japnese bean leaf beetle