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The “My 4-H. My Commitment.” gala on Feb. 19 at the Sheraton Hotel in West Des Moines raised more than $36,000 for the Iowa State 4-H University Extension 4-H Youth Development program.

Former 4-H’ers and WHO-TV Channel 13 news anchors Erin Kiernan and Sonya Heitshusen served as emcees for the event, which included a plated dinner, live entertainment, as well as silent and live auctions.

An auction of 10 decadent desserts raised more than $4,000, and the purse auction raised more than $2,000.  Thanks to help from Latham’s own Amy Rohe, I’m the proud new owner of that black Coach® purse I had been eyeing!  I justified the purchase because it was a “charitable contribution.”  As a 4-H alum, I considered this purchase to be part of my “commitment” to the organization.  🙂

Alumni and friends of 4-H were recognized by the theme of this year’s gala, “My 4-H. My Commitment.”  The gala was part of the Iowa 4-H Foundation’s year-long “My
4-H. My Commitment.” campaign focused on alumni fundraising and on collecting 4-H stories.

From August 2010 through January 2011, teams of former 4-H’ers from throughout the state and across the country participated in the first “My 4-H. My Commitment.” Campaign.  Top fund-raising honors went to the 1989-90 State 4-H Council, which raised $11,170.94 and earned a table at the gala, as well as a retreat at the 4-H Camping Center in Madrid.  Yours truly is proud to have served on the 1989-90 State 4-H Council, and I’m looking forward to reuniting with fellow council members.

What youth activities and experiences had the most impact on shaping your future?