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Despite ideal harvest weather, a recent article in Wallaces Farmer states that green stems and green plants are making it difficult to combine some fields. 

The green stems – sometimes referred to as green stem syndrome or green stem disorder – occur when stems remain green .  However, yield doesn’t seem to be negatively impacted, says Vince Davis, University of Illinois Soybean Agronomist.

Jim Fawcett, Iowa State University Extension field agronomist in east central Iowa, says that the green stems on the soybean plants could be linked back to the fields affected by severe sudden death syndrome (SDS). Other causes can range from entirely genetic to entirely environmental.

However, there is good news if you have green plants and stems. Davis says green plant issues tend to appear in fields with average to high yields and they are a sign of favorable growing conditions throughout the maturity of the other plants. The only concern is how much the green plants could reduce harvest speed.

If you have to harvest soybeans with green stem syndrome, make sure the combine is in good operating condition and properly adjusted with sharpened cutting knife sections because the green stems are known to plug up combines. It may be necessary to wait to harvest until after a killing frost, depending on the severity of the green stem problem. (Source: Monsanto’s Agronomic Alert)

Are you experiencing any problems with “green stem syndrome?” Please comment below.

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