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This year’s harvest is starting to wind down, the weekly weather and crop conditions survey released October 25 shows 86% of Iowa corn acres have been harvested, 35 days ahead of last year and 25 days ahead of the 5-year average. Soybean acres harvested are 97% complete, 24 days ahead of last year and 19 days ahead of the 5-year average. (Source: Wallaces Farmer)

A photo of a Latham test plot that I took while riding combines on Oct. 15.

South Central Iowa

Harvest is winding up across South Central Iowa, so many producers are doing fall tillage, tiling and fertilizing. Travis Slusher says gale-force winds this week will put corn that is still in the field under an extreme stand-ability test.  Corn yields have been variable to say the least, but there have been some very good performances.  Latham® Hi‑Tech Hybrids that did well in this area include LH 5645 3000GT, LH 6003 3000GT, LH 6032 RR, LH 6056 VT3, LH 6394 3000GT and LH 6598 VT3.  Some of the standout soybean varieties in this area are L2735R2V, L2984R2, L3186R2, L3268R2 and L2987L

Central Iowa

Kevin Meyer reports harvest is almost complete in his territory. Fall fertilizer and tillage is underway with fall anhydrous application set for the end of this week. Soybeans had a very good year, even with a strong presence of SDS in the area. Latham® Hi‑Tech Soybeans L2182R2 and L2440R2 performed very well against the competition with a 6 to 10-bushel advantage.  New products in our soybean lineup, along with proven performance of the Roundup Ready brands, offers some great yield opportunities on soybean acres in 2011. Kevin’s customers saw strong performances from Latham® Hi‑Tech Hybrids LH 5228 VT3, LH 5376 VT3 and LH 5494 3000GT; LH 5896 VT3 and LH 5877 VT3 PRO rounded out the season with great stalk strength and grain quality in the 108-day maturity.  There was a big improvement in dry down and test weight from the 2010 as compared to 2009 crop.


Steve Bailie reports most growers in his territory have finished their 2010 harvest of corn and beans. With higher yields, this year many bins are full so growers have had to take the remaining crop to the local elevator or to the river. It’s an inconvenience, but it’s not a bad problem to have, especially considering market price has been above average this fall. Corn yields this year were higher than in the past years.  Steve was amazed by yields on hybrids with the Roundup Ready® trait next to the stacked hybrids. One hybrid that did particularly well in Wisconsin is Latham® LH 4999 RR, which has been pulling yields above 200 bu/A in many locations across the state. Latham LH 4999 RR is an amazing refuge corn choice for growers here. With wet, windy weather in the forecast this week, it’s a great time to finish crop planning and finalizing your 2011 seed purchases.

West Central Iowa

The northern region of Bart Peterson’s territory is done combing corn and soybeans.  Field work is mostly done there, as well.  Anhydrous is being applied.  The western half of Bart’s territory has finished soybean harvest and 10 to 15% of the corn has yet to be combined. 

Northwest Iowa

Big yields require replacement of fertilizer to ensure big yield opportunity for next year, says Tom Larson.  Potash is the most over looked product when going from corn to soybeans.  Consult with your fertilizer specialist about soybeans.

Northern Missouri

Rick Foster reports harvest is still moving along and was slowed a little this weekend with 1 inch of rain.