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Northwest North Dakota

Brian McNamee

A couple bad storms blew through in the southwest part of my territory. Tornadoes touched down with the battered farm pictures to prove it. It’s really a shame as the corn silage corn in that area looked fantastic because it had received above-normal precipitation. Lots of tassels have started shooting out of corn in the past four to five days. It’s amazing how the development of corn and soybeans caught up with the hotter weather. The good news is it looks like there’s another week of ideal temperatures on the horizon.

Winter wheat harvest just started last weekend, and I expect to see many combines in the fields this week.

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Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske

My grandson and I inspected a field of Latham LH 4940 CNV/LFY. Notice the big, wide leaves and the healthy plant. It still has a lot of growing to do before harvest, but you can tell by Carson’s smile that there will be plenty of tons of high quality silage this fall. Ask your Latham® dealer about all the great forage choices that Latham Seeds has to offer.

Gary G

Northeast South Dakota

James Keltgen

Corn is just starting to show tassels this week. We have had less moisture this past week, so yellowed corn is starting to root down some. Soybeans are putting on flowers and vegetation. We need continued warm weather for corn to reach maturity.

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Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

Mother Nature has once again proven that she is in charge. Corn fields across Southeast South Dakota were looking good, and the first planted fields were beginning to tassel. Then in rolled a severe thunderstorm on Saturday morning that caused damage across a large region of Eastern SD.  While some areas had little to no damage, other areas were hit hard. In addition to many down power lines, trees were uprooted. Imagine what happened to the corn in a rapid growth stage! Pictures here is a field that goose-necked in the storm.

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Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness

Last week we received some much needed sunshine and heat units. The crops are looking good. Pictured is 160 acres of LH 4097 VT2 PRO near Cayuga, ND.



Southern Minnesota

Justin Prokosch

L 1858 R2 looks really nice and is close to filling the rows in Southeast Minnesota. Justin 2 Justin 1

Northern Wisconsin 

Joe Salter

Last week brought crazy weather with high winds, lots of rain and more than a half dozen confirmed tornados.  Areas to the north appear to have received the most damage to crops as field after field of corn is laying flat.

This picture shows the storm approaching my house.

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Southern Wisconsin

Greg Mair

Tassels are beginning to shed on the early-planted acres. While walking fields this past week, I saw Grey Leaf Spot developing on the corn leaves.

Soybeans are beginning to close rows, and insects are becoming a concern.  We haven’t seen aphids, but we are seeing a decent amount of Japanese Beetle pressure.

To maximize your crop’s potential, actively walk your fields and address any concerns.  If you’re looking for a second opinion, I’m just a phone call away.

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North Central Iowa

Cory Greiman

This Latham® SuperStrip corn plot at Zach Greiman’s Farm, south of Garner, Iowa, is looking good.

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Northeast Iowa

Craig Haaland

Here’s a great looking field of Latham’s LH 5200 conventional corn in Fillmore County, Minnesota, after a tough week of weather. Rainfall ranged from 4 to 6 six inches this week. These corn fields are starting to or have tasseled, and the weather has been favorable. We’ve experienced heat during the day with cooler nighttime temps. Soybean fields are starting to fill the rows and also are looking pretty good. Keep scouting your fields for any type of issues.Craig


Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders 

The western part of my area got anywhere from 0.4 to 2 inches of rain this last week during the hot spell. Farms east of Interstate 380 were not as fortunate. The rain moved around us, and we caught about a tenth of an inch on Thursday. Fortunately, we didn’t get any damaging winds either.

It’s very hard to tell what is happening in in an entire field without flying over them with an airplane or drone. One of our Latham® dealers sent up his drone last Friday to scout a field. You can see where there was wet spot in the field that was planted three days later than the surrounding corn. There is about a two-foot difference in plant height, and there is definitely a reduced stand in area of the field. Most growers experienced similar conditions due to conditions during spring planting.

I’m also getting reports of Japanese beetles showing up in high numbers in soybean fields. Proactively scout as insect pressure starts to build in the field.

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Western Iowa

Larry Krapfl

The tassel was worth the hassle! Farmers had to remove acres of trash left from the March floods, but it was worth it to see their fields tassel.

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West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

Jenna Ricklefs’ Latham® SuperStrip corn plot, was planted May 2. Maturities, ranging from 106 to 109 days, are nicely tasseled.

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West North Central Iowa

Aaron Steenhoek

Pollination is going well throughout much of central and southern Iowa as some welcome rains have brought with them cooler temperatures through this crucial phase! Pictured is LH 6175 VT2 PRO RIB planted the end of April, standing strong through some of the strong winds this weekend and nearing brown silk! We have some very good crop potential throughout areas and now is the time to be on the offense with yield enhancement practices like fungicide for increased plant health and stand ability into the fall. Remember to contact your local Latham® representative, so that we can guide you to those products that will provide you the best return on your investment this year!

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