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The effects of our wet, cold planting season continue to surface. If you drive through the country now, you’re likely to see Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) and White Mold affecting soybean fields. You may find Northern Corn Leaf Blight and Goss’s Wilt in corn fields. You’ll also see a growing number of weedy fields.

_DSC0734Seed selection is the key to effective management in all the above instances. Planting tolerant varieties, or avoiding very susceptible varieties, is the most effective way to reduce yield loss. Be sure you note the rating given to each product in a seed catalog before you select it for a particular field.

Weeds also can be managed through careful seed selection.

This growing season we’ve had many farmers, like Mike Albertsen of western Iowa, seek out Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds for our strong lineup of LibertyLink soybeans. Due to increased weed pressure across the Upper Midwest, LibertyLink soybeans are in high demand for the 2016 planting season. It’s not too soon to place your order with Latham!

To help simplify your seed selection process, Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds designates some of its most defensive products as IRONCLAD™ Soybeans. These brands include exceptional genetics and industry-leading protective traits to win the battle against yield-robbing pests and disease. These products are selected for their “defensive” characteristics, but that doesn’t mean you’ll sacrifice yield. In fact, our results in the 2014 F.I.R.S.T. Trials shows how Latham’s IRONCLAD brands actually protect yield.

NOTE: Each Latham® soybean brand that receives the IRONCLAD distinction must be Soybean Cyst Nematode resistant and carry an Iron Deficiency Chlorosis rating of 2.2 or better.  In addition, it must protect against either White Mold or Sudden Death Syndrome with a rating of 2.2 or higher. Plus, IRONCLAD products have strong defensive ratings against Phytophthora Root Rot and Brown Stem Rot.

We know that corn acres face their share of challenges, too. That why Latham brand hybrids with the GLADIATOR™ designation combine the industry’s top genetics and traits including a mandatory rootworm event. In our 2016 product guide, you’ll see that GLADIATOR hybrids with single modes of action against rootworm are denoted with a “G” distinction. Products with dual modes of action against root worm are denoted with a “2G.” If you’re planting corn-on-corn or you’re in an area with severe rootworm pressure, make these products part of your 2016 crop plan!

We take pride in working with our customers to help them select the seed products that will help maximize yields and increase profitability. If you have questions about what trait might be best for your fields, please send us an email or call 1-877-GO-LATHAM (1-877-465-2842).