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John_inCornIt has been an incredibly exciting harvest season for a product guy like me! I love looking for products that work well for farmers and the specific challenges they face on their Midwest farms.

This year the product team at Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds decided to put our lineup up against the competition in the F.I.R.S.T. Trials, an independent, third party testing service. We’ve always had a lot of confidence in our corn and soybean lineups. For years, we’ve tracked how we not only compete – but beat – national brands in our marketing footprint.

Just like someone entering a livestock show or a team entering a basketball tournament, one never really knows what the actual performance will be at that particular time and place. All you can do is prepare and try your best. That’s what we did when we entered the F.I.R.S.T. Trials, and the results have been nothing short of amazing!

Soybean trial results came first. Last Wednesday I wrote about how “Latham places first again and again.” I’ve never had so much fun checking my emails in the morning as I have this fall, watching test results show Latham® Hi‑Tech Soybeans at the top.

The final total was 18 location or region summary wins for Latham brand soybeans! Unbelievable. Our soybean lineup was hitting a grand slam homerun!

The more I thought about all of our soybean wins, however, the more anxiety I had over the corn results. I’ve known for years that our corn lineup can compete against anyone. After all, we do our own research against industry-leading products to help us choose our product lineup. Such research has given us confidence in our own lineup, yet there are still a great many farmers who are hesitant to give a “new” corn brand a try.

LathamCornLatham® Hi‑Tech Hybrids are celebrating their tenth year, and we’ve been fortunate to grow our corn lineup for 10 straight year. Our customers have known for years that Latham has great corn, and now thanks to our performance in 2014 F.I.R.S.T. Trials, more Midwest farmers will know it!

This week we were fortunate to win our 19th corn test – that’s one more test than our decorated soybean lineup! Eight different Latham corn products have won F.I.R.S.T. Trial locations all the way from 90 to 110 days.

Products like LH 4097 VT2 PRO and LH 5215 VT2 PRO have absolutely dominated their area of adaptation.  Latham has had 140 Latham corn products place in the top 10 in FIRST Trial tests, which shows the strength and depth of our lineup. Plus, this broad maturity range will allow more customers to try and most importantly profit from Latham corn hybrids!

Again, I credit Latham’s team approach to product selection for this year’s performance. Unlike the national brands that choose products based on a wide area of adaptability, we focus on choosing the best products for local conditions. Latham’s strategy to choose products that perform in specific soil types and field conditions across our marketing area works. But don’t just take my word for it… Look over all the data at!