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Two days after his twin boys were born prematurely, Justin Prokosch started working at Latham Hi-Tech Seeds as a regional sales manager in South Central Minnesota. With two babies in the hospital and two older boys at home, Justin and his wife, Katie, weren’t sure what kind of first impression he’d be able to make at his new job.

They needn’t have worried. Justin quickly learned what working for a family-owned company really meant.Picture 6

“The owners treat their employees and dealers like their own family and truly care about their customers,” he says. “We can go to the owners at any time and feel heard. Being able to work alongside the third generation is something you don’t see very often today.”

Six years (and one more boy later), Justin is moving from his RSM position to serve as Latham’s newest sales agronomist in the central and southern areas. It’s a perfect fit for Justin, who grew up on a century farm in Wabasso, Minn., only 1.5 miles from where his family lives now. At Southwest Minnesota State University, Justin majored in Ag Business and minored in Agronomy. Since he always had a passion for agriculture, those two areas of study made sense to him.

“Justin knows our products, understands good management practices and is committed to his new role to help our customers and dealers thrive,” says Amy Rohe, Latham’s sales manager. “His experience will serve us well as sales agronomist.”

Seeing how different products respond differently to certain situations — and helping dealers promote and place products with confidence — is something Justin is looking forward to in his new role. As an RSM, he says he could have used the support of a sales agronomist himself, to help bring a new perspective to his dealers’ operations and extend those relationships on an agronomic level.

Picture 4“I am excited to really get to know their business,” Justin says. “I have grown a passion for product placement and product characteristics.”

Justin and Katie Prokosch have been married for 10 years and have five boys. Katie keeps their busy family going and volunteers on the local ambulance service. The boys love being outdoors, helping with farm chores, wrestling and playing baseball. Like their dad when he was growing up, the Prokosch boys also enjoy being a part of the local 4-H club and showing animals at the county fair.

When he isn’t chasing after his sons or participating in “whatever they are up to at any given time of the year,” Justin enjoys ice fishing and hunting pheasant and deer.

Here is a Prokosch family favorite recipe that keeps their whole crew warm.