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Good news for soybean growers: according to Iowa State University researchers, there have been very low populations of soybean aphids across the state during the 2010 growing season. What few aphids were in the field were well below threshold levels, indicating yield loss from aphids unlikely. An added benefit to the low soybean aphid populations is fewer multi-colored Asian beetles. A significant predator of the soybean aphid, Asian lady beetles populations grow with the number of soybean aphids present.

If you have troubles with Asian lady beetles in your home or fields this year, however, ISU entomologist Matt O’Neal says prevention is the most important management step. He recommends checking the outside of your home for spaces and cracks as small as 1/8” in size, and removing what lady beetles are present with a vacuum where fabrics allow.

For more tips, read the complete article here.

Sources: Iowa Soybean Association Gold Standard and Iowa State University Extension