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Peter Bixel

by Peter Bixel, Seed-to-Soil® Lead

Dale Sorenson, Commercial Breeding Lead for Monsanto, last week talked with a group of Seed-to-Soil and SciMax clients about maximizing yield potential on every acre through integrated farming systems. Integrated Farming Systems include:  improved weed management, pest protection, disease protection, stress tolerance, and increased yield potential.

One technology to help maximum yield potential is Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System for soybeans.  Also in Monsanto’s pipeline is Corn Rootworm III Technology, designed to complement current commercial traits.  This “next generation corn rootworm technology” will attack corn rootworm through a new mode of action using a natural process different than Bt.

New programs for Goss’s Wilt protection and Gray Leaf Spot resistance also are in the pipeline.  . Monsanto’s Ag Biologicals Platform is focusing on BioDirect™, which is designed to target glyphosate-resistant weeds for better control.  BioDirect™ was also seen to provide protection against insect pests and reduce symptoms of viruses.

While weed management and pest protection are certainly two important factors when maximizing yield potential on each acre, seed selection is perhaps the single most important factor.  Traited products from Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds combine industry-leading genetics with industry-leading traits from technology providers like Monsanto.

NOTE:  Not all traited products offer rootworm protection. Herculex I, for example, has resistance/tolerance to Liberty, Roundup and corn borer. Herc 1, however, does not protect against corn rootworm. A person can’t just assume that a “Bt hybrid” will have rootworm protection.

Take some time now to review what seed you’re planning to plant in which fields.  Planning pays!  Seed can have a 700% return on investment… What else does?