Paintbrush strokes dividing page

From the time he was able to follow in his father’s shadow, Troy Johnson of Odebolt in West Central Iowa, spent as much time farming as possible. He began farming full-time with his father, Reese, upon graduating from high school. Shortly thereafter, Troy had the opportunity to purchase his first 40 acres.

Family Photo
The Johnson Family

The Johnsons raise corn, soybeans and alfalfa. They started using cover crops in 2015 and have expanded their cover crop acres every year. Benefits include increasing organic matter, controlling erosion, as well as better weed control and water infiltration.

“I’ve been planting Latham® soybeans since the beginning and started planting Latham Hybrids when they came out in 2004,” says Troy, a fourth generation Iowa farmer. “I’ve planted other brands for neighbors, and it’s easy to see the difference in quality when you open a bag. Latham is known for its high-quality standards, and its reputation is well deserved.”

When the Johnson’s neighbor Russ Wilken retired as a Latham® dealer, he asked if Troy would be interested in the dealership.

“I was already planting Latham, so it was a no brainer,” says Troy. “I always enjoy trying new things, so I appreciate getting to learn about new Latham products early. I really appreciate having a team of professionals available whenever I call. Latham Seeds provides us with great customer service.”

Just as Troy’s farming enterprise has grown throughout the years, so has his family. He and his wife, Kathi, are the proud parents of three daughters. Jaci is a sophomore at Odebolt-Arthur-Battle Creek-Ida Grove (OABCIG). She enjoys singing, reading and babysitting. Jaci also is involved in FFA. Sophi is in eighth grade. She plays the saxophone and is a volleyball player. In addition, Sophi enjoys designing cards with calligraphy. Tori, sixth grade, plays the piano and trumpet. She also plays volleyball, basketball and softball.

“We have been blessed to raise our children on the family farm,” says Kathi. “There are many values and lessons the girls have learned that will benefit them in the future. Although farming has its ups and downs, we are grateful to God for the life He has allowed us to live.”

A Tradition of Hospitality

Evelyn Latham, wife of Latham Seeds’ founder Willard Latham, was known for her gracious hospitality. She was sure to invite family, friends, neighbors and customers to sit down at the table to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee with a plate full of homemade cookies. It’s no wonder she was named Master Farm Homemaker in 1962 by Wallaces Farmer!

Throughout the years, we have shared some of Evelyn’s favorite recipes with our dealers and their families. We were delighted when Kathi shared with us that Jaci’s Monster Cookies advanced from the county 4-H competition to the 2017 Iowa State Fair. We can only imagine how delighted Evelyn would have been, knowing Jaci was creating wonderful memories with her mother in their kitchen.

“It was an honor to have my cookies selected to go to state,” Jaci, who earned a blue ribbon at the Iowa State Fair with her Monster Cookies. “I was not expecting that because 2017 was my first year exhibiting 4-H projects at the fair.”

Today we’re once again sharing Evelyn’s Monster Cookie recipe with our readers. We hope you’re able to share a cup of coffee and a few heartwarming smiles with friends, families and neighbors as you enjoy a few homemade cookies. Perhaps you can enjoy a few cookies this planting season!

Monster Cookies


1 cup margarine

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup white sugar

A pinch of salt

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp vanilla

1 cup chocolate chips

2 eggs

1 cup peanut butter

3 cups oatmeal

1 cup chopped peanuts


Mix all ingredients together

Drop onto greased cookie sheet

Can be made large or small

Bake about 10 minutes at 350o