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Last November the U.S. EPA approved the use of XtendiMax® with VaporGrip® technology on Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans. It didn’t take long for competitors and opponents of the Xtend technology to point out the limitations, but many of their talking points are now moot.

The U.S. EPA, as promised, has allowed a number of significant changes to the XtendiMax herbicide label. First and foremost, Roundup PowerMAX® and WeatherMAX® formulations have been added. In addition, 34 (and counting) other herbicides are approved for tank-mixing with XtendiMax! There are now more than 110 approved adjuvants that may be added, plus the number of approved nozzles had grown to 26 as of early April.

For farmers who intend to use XtendiMax herbicide, visit their website often to stay abreast of the latest developments.

A section under the TANK MIX tab titled “REQUIRED DRIFT REDUCING ADJUVANTS (DRA’s)” lists products that minimize particle drift if used in combination with certain herbicides and other adjuvants.  Products needing DRA’s are clearly spelled out in the herbicide and adjuvant sections.

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Visit the XtendiMax website for the latest developments:

Another very critical section of the website is “APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS.”  Here, farmers can learn what is needed to minimize drift, volatilization and off-target applications of this important herbicide technology.

I’m excited to see so many early-adopters planning to use both Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans, and the subsequent use of the XtendiMax with VaporGrip technology herbicide to help control tough-to-kill weeds in 2017.  At Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds, we believe this will be just one of the many new and exciting soybean technologies that farmers will need to combat resistant weeds in the future.