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Product selection is an ongoing process at Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds. That’s why the following products have been added mid-season to an already outstanding lineup of Latham® brand corn and soybean products.

To help “answer the call” for additional supply of conventional corn, we are pleased to introduce two new hybrids for 2015 planting:CornSeed_Bag

    • LH 5120 – This 101-day hybrid features high-quality grain on ears that flex well. This medium-tall plant has excellent roots and responds very well to higher populations with top-end management. An application of a foliar fungicide is highly recommended, especially in areas where Gray Leaf Spot is a concern.
    • LH 5400 – This hybrid responds best to top-end nitrogen management in medium to heavy soils. It should be kept in its maturity zone but will move south well. This medium-tall plant has very good late-season intactness. It also carries very good tolerance to Goss’s Wilt and Northern Corn Leaf Blight.

We’re also adding one new Genuity® SmartStax® and two new VT2 PRO RIB (refuge in the bag) hybrids to our lineup:

    • LH 5465 VT2 PRO RIB – This is the Double-Pro version of our LH 5466 VT3 PRO. This medium height plant has excellent stalks and roots. It fills a need in our lineup between the LH 5215 and LH 5715 Double PROs. This new hybrid shows a noted suitability to tight, clay soils and is widely adapted east to west as it has excellent drought tolerance.
    • LH 5509 SS RIB – A high-yielding, widely adapted product has high test weight and excellent quality grain. It responds well to top-end management and higher populations. It has excellent tolerance to eyespot and Southern Leaf Blight. In the 2014 F.I.R.S.T. trials, it placed 2nd overall in the Southwest Minnesota regional summary and was 9th at the Flandreau location of the Southeast South Dakota region.
    • LH 6045 VT2 PRO RIB – Tremendous yield potential and stability under stress are two key strengths of this new 110-day hybrid. It has a very fixed ear, so higher populations and fertility are necessary for optimum performance. The SmartStax version of this hybrid placed very well in the East Central and West Central Iowa regions of the 2014 F.I.R.S.T. trials.

We are also releasing a new 2.3 maturity soybean product:Soybean_FullBag_4i

    • L2328R2 – This new IroncladTM soybean topped many 2014 SuperStrip plots across Latham Country. This medium-tall plants carries the SCN gene from PI88788, the C-gene for Phytophthora and is resistant to Brown Stem Rot. In addition, it features very good tolerance to Iron Chlorosis, Sudden Death Syndrome and White Mold.

For more information on the above listed products, visit Click on the “Products” section and then select the product number.

We also will have very limited amounts of two new experimental soybeans, E0836L and E3448R2. E0836L is a new 0.8 maturity LibertyLink® soybean and E3448R2 is a 3.4 maturity Genuity® Roundup Ready to Yield® Soybean (RR2Y). For more information about these two products, contact your Latham representative or call 1-877-GO-LATHAM (1.877.465.2842).