L 0114 XF

Product Overview
The top performer northern growers have been looking for. Medium-tall plant type makes for excellent stress tolerance and western movement. Broadly adapted variety that excels in narrow rows. Strong Soybean Cyst Nematode resistance adds to L 0114 XFs versatility.
Key Features
Hybrid Advantages
- Solid agronomic variety for all soil types
- Excellent stress tolerance with average White Mold tolerance
- Excellent IDC tolerance for broad adaptation
- Medium-tall plant that may lean slightly at harvest

Plant Characteristics
- Relative Maturity0.1
- Plant HeightMedium Tall
- Plant TypeMedium Bushy
- Flower ColorPurple
- PubescenceLight Tawny
- Pod ColorBrown
- Hilum ColorBlack
Defensive Characteristics & Disease Ratings
- SCN ResistancePI 88788
- Iron Chlorosis2.0
- Stress Tolerance1.0
- Phytophthora Root RotC, 2.5
- Brown Stem Rot2.0
- White Mold2.0
Herbicide Tolerance
- GlyphosateYes
- GlufosinateYes
- DicambaYes
- 2, 4-D CholineNo
- Preferred Row SpacingAll
- Soil TypeAll
- No-Till Rating2.0