L 0293 E3

Product Overview
Latham L 0293 E3 carries Soybean Cyst Nematode tolerance from PI 88788 along with excellent scores for Iron Chlorosis and Stress. Terrific emergence and standability help this line perform very well up and down the Red River Valley. Keep this soybean in zone and north. If youre placing it in fields with high levels of Phytophthora, a seed treatment to protect against that disease is highly recommended.
Key Features
Hybrid Advantages
- Fantastic up and down the Red River Valley
- SCN tolerance from PI 88788
- Very good score for Iron Chlorosis
- Performs best in zone and north

Plant Characteristics
- Relative Maturity0.2
- Emergence1.5
- Plant HeightMedium
- Plant TypeMedium
- Flower ColorWhite
- PubescenceGray
- Pod ColorTan
- Hilum ColorBuff
Defensive Characteristics & Disease Ratings
- SCN ResistanceF, 2.1
- Iron Chlorosis2.0
- Stress Tolerance2.0
- Phytophthora Root Rot2.7
- Brown Stem Rot2.0
- White Mold2.5
- Charcoal Rot2.5
Herbicide Tolerance
- GlyphosateYes
- GlufosinateYes
- DicambaNo
- 2, 4-D CholineYes
- Preferred Row SpacingAll
- Soil TypeAll
- No-Till Rating2.3