L 0528 LLGT27

Product Overview
Our new LLGT27 variety in the 0.5 maturity, this bean tremendous stress tolerance and an overall agronomic package that makes it suited to perform through low-yield environments. Excellent standabilty with strong SCN, IDC, and WM scores are just a few of the attributes that makes this variety stand out.
Key Features
Hybrid Advantages
- Excellent emergence and standability
- Very good Phytophthora, White Mold and IDC tolerance
- Moves south of zone
- Best in class overall stress tolerance

Plant Characteristics
- Relative Maturity0.5
- Emergence1.5
- Plant HeightMedium
- Plant TypeMedium
- Flower ColorPurple
- PubescenceLight Tawny
- Pod ColorTan
- Hilum ColorBlack
Defensive Characteristics & Disease Ratings
- SCN ResistanceF, 2.0
- Iron Chlorosis2.0
- Stress Tolerance1.5
- Phytophthora Root Rot2.0
- White Mold2.2
- Charcoal Rot1.7
Herbicide Tolerance
- GlyphosateYes
- GlufosinateYes
- DicambaNo
- 2, 4-D CholineNo
- Preferred Row SpacingAll
- Soil TypeAll
- No-Till Rating1.8