L 0694 XF

Product Overview
This versatile new 0.6 maturity XtendFlex variety brings a very strong disease package along with top end yield potential across yield environments. Excellent SCN, BSR, and IDC scores are some of the top characteristics of this bean. It will yield north of its maturity zone and moves west across North and South Dakota.
Key Features
Hybrid Advantages
- Strong yield performance across multiple yield environments
- Good western movement across the Dakotas
- Excellent emergence for no-till environments
- Very good IDC, Phytophthora and Charcoal Root Rot tolerance

Plant Characteristics
- Relative Maturity0.6
- Emergence1.5
- Plant HeightMedium
- Plant TypeMedium
- Flower ColorPurple
- PubescenceLight Tawny
- Pod ColorBrown
- Hilum ColorBlack
Defensive Characteristics & Disease Ratings
- SCN ResistanceF, 1.9
- Iron Chlorosis1.7
- Stress Tolerance2.0
- Phytophthora Root Rot3a, 2.0
- Brown Stem Rot1.5
- White Mold2.5
- Sudden Death2.2
- Charcoal Rot2.4
Herbicide Tolerance
- GlyphosateYes
- GlufosinateYes
- DicambaYes
- 2, 4-D CholineNo
- Preferred Row SpacingAll
- Soil TypeAll
- No-Till Rating1.6