
Product Overview
This hybrid has above-average disease tolerance for Goss’s Wilt and Northern Leaf Blight. Combine this with very good early vigor and plant health, which extends the harvest window with good late-season intactness. LH 3035 is a medium-short plant type and responds to higher planting populations across variable to ideal soil types. It has good east-to-west movement.
Key Features
Hybrid Advantages
- Very good stalks, roots and early plant vigor
- Medium-short statured hybrid with very good late-season intactness
- Disease tolerance is very good against Goss’s Wilt and Northern Leaf Blight
- Keep in zone and north

Agronomic Characteristics
- Emergence2.0
- Flowering for MaturityModerately Early
- Early Vigor2.0
- Stalk Strength2.0
- Root Strength2.0
- Stay Green3.0
- Drydown3.0
- Test Weight2.5
- Drought Tolerance3.0
- Herbicide SensitivityNone Known
- Suggested Population32-36
- Corn-on-Corn3.5
Plant Characteristics
- Ear HeightMedium
- Ear TypeSemi-Determinate
- Number of Kernel Rows14-16
- Cob ColorRed
- Husk CoverLong
- Shank LengthMedium
- Leaf AngleSemi-Upright
Disease Ratings
- Goss’s Wilt2.0
- Northern Leaf Blight2.0
- Anthracnose Stalk Rot2.0
- Gray Leaf Spot3.0