LH 3406 PCE RA

Product Overview
Ultra early PowerCore Enlist with deceptive grain quality and very good agronomics. LH 3406 PCE RA will perform best in zone and north with a blocky-flex style ear; position in the Red River valley above Hwy. 2.
Key Features
Hybrid Advantages
- Ultra early PowerCore® with ++ grain quality
- Best in-zone and moves north well (Hwy 2)
- Blocky-flex ear with very good stalks and seedling vigor
- Prefers medium- to high-end planting population

Agronomic Characteristics
- Early Vigor2.0
- Stalk Strength2.0
- Root Strength3.0
- Stay Green2.0
- Drydown2.0
- Test Weight2.0
- Drought Tolerance3.0
- Foliar Fungicide3.0
- Corn-on-Corn2.0
Plant Characteristics
- Ear HeightMedium
- Ear TypeFlex
Disease Ratings
- Goss’s Wilt2.5
- Northern Leaf Blight2.0
- Anthracnose Stalk Rot2.0