LH 4110 CNV

Product Overview
A genetically unique and impressive hybrid with season-long health that will move north and south of its maturity zone well. The unique combination of flex ears preferring medium populations really expands this product’s footprint. LH 4110 is a robust plant with a showy ear line, flared husk, very good stay green and excellent test weight. LH 4110 is a Grain First / Silage Capable hybrid.
Key Features
Hybrid Advantages
- Unique genetics with exceptional fall health & intactness
- Full, robust plant allows for dual-purpose capability
- Flowers early for its maturity allowing for full grain fill period
- Avoid drought prone soils and preference for medium populations

Agronomic Characteristics
- Early Vigor1.0
- Stalk Strength2.0
- Root Strength1.0
- Stay Green2.0
- Drydown2.0
- Test Weight1.0
- Drought Tolerance3.0
- Foliar Fungicide2.0
- Corn-on-Corn2.0
Plant Characteristics
- Ear HeightMedium HIgh
- Ear TypeFlex
Disease Ratings
- Goss’s Wilt1.5
- Northern Leaf Blight2.0
- Anthracnose Stalk Rot2.5
- Gray Leaf Spot2.0