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No, this is not a text message from your kid’s cell phone or your nephew’s Twitter page. We’re simply asking if you are ready. Ready to participate in the most significant soybean yield improvement technology to emerge in over a decade.

Latham Seeds L3184R2 and L2958R2 (for Maturity Zones III and II), featuring the highly anticipated Roundup Ready 2 Yield™ technology, will be available in limited release this year.

One big achievement of this product is the observed increase in the number of beans per pod. Farmers who planted RR2Y in last fall’s field trials reported seeing more 3- and 4-bean pods on their plants than with earlier Roundup Ready beans.

What difference can an extra bean or two per pod make? According to Monsanto’s calculations, four extra beans per plant could mean nearly two extra bushels per acre when planted at 85,000 plants per acre. At 185,000 plants per acre, the increase could be more than 4 Bu/a. At a hypothetical $10 per bushel, that’s an extra $20,000 to $40,000 for a 1000-acre planting.

With an extra six to ten beans per plant, which is entirely feasible, the difference is even more dramatic.

See how Latham Seeds’ new brands with Roundup Ready 2 Yield could increase your profitability. Give your Latham dealer a call.  And while you’re at it give our new radio ad (click soybeans in the right panel to locate) on RR2Y a listen.  Hearing is believing!