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20130824_154333Nearly 100 people, driving or riding motorcycles and muscle cars, channeled famous Iowa explorers as they traveled through Lewis & Clark Country on Saturday, Aug. 24, for the 5th Annual Latham Freedom of Independence Ride.  The 134-mile route took drivers down the Lewis & Clark Trail.

One highlight of this adventure was a ride across Blue Lake on an historic keelboat similar to the one Lewis & Clark, along with 26 men, traveled up the Mississippi River from St. Louis. Army Captain Meriwether Lewis and his former commanding officer William Clark were commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson in 1804 to explore the vast western territory purchased from France as part of the Louisiana Purchase.  Lewis & Clark embodied the nationalistic vision and patriotism that formed the spirit and richness of American history.


Another fun stop along the way was Sioux Jerseys LLP, a state-of-the-art dairy where cows are milked 24/7 using two, double Mag 90i parallel parlors.  Because Sioux Jerseys contracts with Well’s Blue Bunny, following the tour, riders were treated to Blue Bunny® ice cream.  One bite into a sweet treat makes it clear why Wells – the largest, family-owned and operated ice cream manufacturer in the United State – is celebrating its 100th year of business in 2013.

BeanPlotOne of the crop stops included a Latham® Hi‑Tech Soybean showcase, where Latham Product Manager Mark Grundmeier gave an overview of three exciting technologies in the pipeline.  Latham Forage Products Manager Corey Catt also talked about the importance of micronutrients to increase corn yield, forage production and alfalfa tonnage.

loess hillsOf course, no field day – even one on two wheels – would be complete without a corn technologies showcase.  Riders had a chance to learn more about Agrisure Artesian corn products, which provide season-long drought protection to increase yield in moisture-stressed fields.  Two Latham Hi‑Tech Hybrids for 2014 planting, LH 4974 3011A and LH 6412 GTA, will feature this fascinating new trait.

Agrisure Duracade is a brand new mode of action for corn rootworm control and will be combined with Agrisure RW to give two modes of action. Agrisure E-Z Refuge offer performance, ease-of-handling and reduced.  We’ll begin with LH 5495 3122 and plan to add other trait packages like Duracade as they gain regulatory approval.

Watch for exciting new announcements soon from Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds!  Be part of the journey every day at .  We also post agronomic tips and news of interest daily on our company’s Facebook page at  You can also follow @LathamSeeds on Twitter.

For a recap of Latham’s first four Freedom of Independence Rides, click on the links below: