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Northwest Iowa

Harvest is slowly resuming after last week’s rainfall, says Tom Larson.  Parts of northern Iowa received up to 12 inches of precipitation. Early reports show Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 (RR2) Yield Soybeans are dominating.  One customer, who farms near Osage, called to report his Latham® L2440R2 averaged 71 bushel per acre (b/A).  The first corn fields are also being harvested, and Latham® Hi‑Tech Hybrids LH5896 VT3 is rising to the top again.  As you harvest your crop, be in touch with your Latham rep to get started on next year’s success.

South Central Iowa

Travis Slusher says yesterday is the first time since last Friday that farmers were able to get in the fields due to high rainfall amounts. He rode a combine yesterday while Latham® Hi‑Tech Hybrids LH6068 VT3 was being harvested.  The plant health was exceptional with yields in the 180-bushel range, which is in the top end for that farmer.  Stalk rot still needs to be watched closely as there are areas that are starting to show the effects of this, so corn growers need to manage this and try to harvest those areas as soon as possible.

How to Detect Stalk Rot


West Central Iowa

Soybeans are ready to combine in Bart Peterson’s territory, and area farmers started hitting it hard yesterday as the soil dried enough for them to resume harvest.  West Central Iowa is 5% done combing beans and about 10% done with corn. West Central Iowa will have one of its highest yielding bean years as plants have a lot of nodes and a lot of pods. Watch out for RR2: they’re going to prove their worth this year!

East Central Iowa

More corn has been harvested than soybeans in Brad Beatty’s area.  Because of recent rainfall, the soybeans need some sunshine and warmer temps to dry them. Soybean harvest is expected to pick up this week.  Those fields that have been harvested show the soybeans yielding about five bushels better than last year.


During the last couple of days, a lot of soybeans are being harvested in Wisconsin.  Many growers are seeing a yield bump from Latham® soybeans with the Genuity® RR2Y technology, says Steve Bailie.  In a plot harvested Monday in South Central Wisconsin, Latham’s L2084R2 topped the plot with 71.4 b/A.   A little corn was also harvested this past week; yields as high as 260 b/A are being reported in well-drained soils. There is talk that fertilizer prices will follow the corn and bean prices, so Steve says it might be a good idea to talk with your fertilizer supplier to see whether you can lock in prices for next year.

Northeast Iowa

Nick Benson reports things are moving fast in the northeast corner of Iowa.  As yield results roll in, Latham® Hi‑Tech Hybrids LH5426 VT3 Pro and Latham® Hi‑Tech Soybeans L2440 RR2 are showing very well.  Picking and choosing which fields to harvest first will continue to be a very important management decision as stalk rot takes hold in fields.  With the tremendous amount of pods on soybean plants, lodging will start to be a concern.

Central Iowa

It’s been a wet week in central Iowa, says Kevin Meyer. Fortunately, there was no flooding and some harvest activity took place in between showers.  Corn yields remain good with field moistures around 18 to 20%. Early hybrid plot data shows strong performances from LH5376 VT3, LH5494 3000GT, and LH5896 VT3.


Cropping is going slow in the south, says Rick Foster. His area received another 1 to 3 inches of rain over the past two nights.