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Benefits of seed treatment include protecting seed from rot, seedling blights and insects, as well as improved germination. Seed treatments also help prevent the spread of plant diseases and reduce the risk of replant.

Seed treatments are one of the most efficient crop protection technologies as they reduce farmers’ need for foliar spray applications. They also offer some certainty because field and weather conditions can prevent farmers from entering the field to apply fungicide and/or insecticide after seeding.

Applying treatment directly on the seed before planting protects seeds and young plants, regardless of field conditions. Because seed treatment is a targeted, one-time application of pesticides to seeds, seedlings are protected during their most vulnerable stages of growth. Spraying fungicides or insecticides during these early growth stages is unlikely to be as effective because sprays are less targeted.

Treated seeds carry a precise amount of pesticide that protects the seed during early growth, which is the critical growth period before and during germination. Seed treatments also are a “curative treatment,” protecting plants against seed-borne diseases.

Research shows that seed treatments deliver more robust seedlings to farmers, protect plant stands and maximize yield potential. Conversely, farmers not using seed treatments in high pest pressure areas can see yield losses of 50% or more.

Help secure a return on your seed investment with seed treatment! But don’t just take our word for it… take crop notes this growing season and compare data from multiple years. The Latham Team is here to answer your questions at 1-877-GO-LATHAM (877-465-2842).

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