Paintbrush strokes dividing page

Northwest North Dakota

Brian McNamee 

Join us at the Big Iron Farm show in West Fargo. Yesterday was the first day of the 2019 show, and there was a great turnout! It’s the best first day I can remember we’ve had in the past eight years.

Big Iron Farm Show

Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske

Experimental silage specific hybrids are really stretching out at Latham’s northern research plot west of Grand Forks, ND. Latham regional sales manager Ken Highness is holding two of our new hybrids, and one has 15 leaves above the ear. Look for more info coming soon about our post-harvest meetings!


Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

As daylight shortens and temperatures begin to cool off, we know summer is ending. Corn is still two to four weeks behind, and soybeans are beginning to turn. Southeast South Dakota (SESD) continues to get measurable rains week after week, leaving field conditions wet and sticky. Growers are doing some forward planning on how to get their crops out of the field as our area is getting between 1 and 6 inches of rain this week alone.

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Northeast South Dakota

James Keltgen

More rain fell this week in Northeast South Dakota (NESD). Two to four inches was very common throughout the region with additional heavy rain in the forecast. White mold and other soybean diseases are becoming more prevalent. Early soybeans are starting turn yellow as soybean harvest is only a few weeks away.

Corn is still slow to progress as temperatures aren’t pushing milk lines very fast. There is a lot of corn that has not dented. Standability will most likely be of concern this harvest as most corn is firing and taking nutrients from within the plant to pack starch into the kernels.





Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness

At this time of year, Latham® dealers get together at Latham SuperStrip plots to gain agronomic and product knowledge. Dealers from the south and central parts of my region got together in Horace, ND. Dealers from  Northern ND and Northern MN got together in Emerado, ND.

Dealer training Emerado, ND Dealer training Horace, ND

Southern Minnesota

Justin Prokosch

Latham’s LH 5245 VT2 PRO continues to shine in this field south of Redwood Falls, MN. Some ears are nearly 75% dented, while some are only 25% dented.

MN 1

This picture shows what a late-season fungicide applied at tassel can do for plant health. This satellite imagine shown as an NDVI provided by Climate FieldView shows a definite line as to where the fungicide was applied.

MN 2

Northern Wisconsin 

Joe Salter

Some early maturity soybeans are starting to turn. White Mold and SDS are showing up across the region. Take note of these areas and remember to plant a Latham® IRONCLAD™ product the next time this field is planted to soybeans. Corn is still very wet, so very few harvesters have started rolling yet.  Last week brought some great field opportunities for Latham dealers and customers. Pictured here is LH 3695 VT2 PRO which looks very good just north of Highway 29 East. For more information about all the options Latham has for your area, check out our products/hybrids on our website. You’re also welcome to call 877-GO-LATHAM and we’ll be glad to meet with you.

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North Central Iowa

Cory Greiman 

I saw a lot of corn aphids while scouting fields yesterday around Estherville, IA. Here’s a resource from Iowa State University on corn aphids:

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Northwest Iowa

Jeremy Joynt

Variability will continue to be a part of everyone’s conversation now and throughout harvest. Last spring we saw variable soil conditions and planting dates, resulting in an array of different stages of plant growth. It is yet to be determined how the harvestability will be affected, but the yield of each hybrid is expected to be variable. As we get closer to harvest, keep plant health and stalk quality in mind to decide where to start combining.

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Northeast Iowa

Craig Haaland

Lots of soybean fields look like this, and a small portion are starting to turn. A few corn fields are getting closer to harvest. Now is a good time to meet with your Latham® Dealer to place early orders before harvest starts. Take advantage of early season orders and the best product availability!

Northeast IA

Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders

Early planted soybeans are starting to turn in Southeast Iowa.

Eastern IA 1

Western Iowa

Larry Krapfl

Despite a growing season of challenges beginning with spring flooding, Latham’s 6317 VT2 PRO DG RIB is putting on big ears in western Iowa. This ear is 18 kernels around by 40 long.

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West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

Latham’s LH 5199 SS LFY is an awesome silage corn. I counted 16 to 18 kernels around and 36 to 40 long. The tonnage was very good. This dealer filled his bunker and had to find another spot to put the extra!


Central Iowa

Aaron Steenhoek

Chopping season has come and gone throughout most of southern Iowa. Most of the corn that was planted in April and May has black layered and will now begin the dry-down process. Pictured here is Latham 6477 VT2 PRO RIB, doing what it does best. This variety is putting on more yield and tonnage than the competitor in this side-by-side comparison. When you look across this field, you can see that 6477 is a visually larger and healthier plant. Contact your local Latham® representative today to see how we can help you take care of your cow nutrition/feed stuffs and row crop needs!

Southern Iowa