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Northwest North Dakota

Brian McNamee 

There was a great turn out last Friday at the Gumbo Flats Ranch silage meeting despite the periodic downpours. Latham Seeds’ Northern Product Specialist Gary Geske is standing next to harvested examples from the dealer’s plot. Latham’s 5062 LFY is tough to beat in this area, and this year will be no different. We’re seeing some of the highest pre-harvest tonnage tests ever!

Latham’s leafy silage hybrids extend the silage harvest window. The plant will stay at that 65 to 70 moisture considerably longer than a “dual purpose” or many of the competitors’ silage products. Watch the grain. We want the milk line to be as close to 60% to maximize nutrient balance in our piles. Waiting just a few days will give us significant gains in starch fill and total nutritional benefit.

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Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske

Usually this time of year, we’re nearly done with cutting silage. Due to the late growing season this year, however, many are just getting started. One key to good silage management is moisture. The 60 to 70% moisture range is most common when assessing harvest timing. It’s hard to get a good pack and seal on the pile when moisture is below that level. When it’s above that number, the excess moisture seeps out of the pile and nutrients are wasted. One old trick when cutting high-moisture silage is tub grinding old hay or straw to put on the bottom of the pile, so it soaks up the excess moisture. As it soaks up the moisture, it gains the leaching nutrients and maintains good feed value.

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Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

Everyone has been saying this is a year to learn from. I think we’re learning how far we can push corn and soybean genetics before Mother Nature wins. In this picture, John Latham is holding two boards that show the reality of corn germ. When we plant into warm soils in good/fit conditions, emergence and germ looks a lot like the board on the right. When we plant into cold, wet, unfavorable soils, we see emergence that looks more like the board on the left. The board on the left is what we see in our fields this year. As harvest nears, remember that each individual seed put in the ground this spring is its own individual, live organism. The plant next to it may be stronger, weaker or equal. This year our limits have been pushed, and we’re seeing how the limits were pushed in each field.

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Northeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

Harvest has started in Northeast South Dakota! The first field of soybeans I saw planted this spring has been combined. It was planted on some lighter soil and yields ran mid-50s. If the weather cooperates next week, there should be more farmers combining beans.

Corn is still ranging from 20 to 50% milk line, depending on maturity and planting date. There is talk of a frost next week with highs in the 40s and 50s. Yield loss at 50% milk line is roughly 12 percent. We’re close to being out of the danger zone, but this year every bushel counts towards profitability!

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Even though this variety has 18 rows around, kernel depth has been reduced. On an average year, 18 rows around my fingers would be touching!

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Inspecting corn stalks for stalk rot will be important this year with the cool wet summer. It is very present and early harvest should be a priority! Planting Latham corn with the Anthracnose Stalk Rot gene can prevent stalk rot issues!

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Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness

Latham® dealer Steve Gades of Morris, MN is standing in a great looking field of our LH 5402 RR.

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Southern Minnesota

Justin Prokosch

As I have evaluating plots during the past week, some varieties stand out as they show their true maturity. Farmers here are getting really excited to get the crop out of the field. Stay safe out there!

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Some farmers have started combining the earlier maturity soybeans that planted early.

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Northern Wisconsin 

Joe Salter

Last week was crazy warm but very helpful for the crops. Soybeans seemed to change overnight. I heard reports of soybeans being harvested this week on some sandy soil. Unfortunately, the next five days look very wet. Latham’s corn continues to impress! Our LH 4657 VT2 PRO RIB looks good in Chippewa Falls along Hwy 53.  Also LH 3937 VT2 PRO RIB is showing some girth in the pics below. I counted 22 kernel rows!

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North Central Iowa

Cory Greiman 

We’re starting to see some harvest activity in soybeans across North Central Iowa.

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Northwest Iowa

Jeremy Joynt

LH 5025 VT2 PRO RIB is showing its consistency in Northwest Iowa! This hybrid has looked great all season due to its GREAT root system, and it will stay standing until harvest with its prominent stalk integrity.

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Northeast Iowa

Craig Haaland

This is a great looking field of Latham’s 5245 VT2 PRO in Mitchell County, Iowa. Corn and soybean plants are really turning everywhere. Combines could be rolling at the end of the week or early next week if it stops raining. Rain totals for this past week ranged from 4 to 8 inches. It’s a good time to get in your early seed orders before the craziness begins.

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Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders

LH 6317 VT2 PRO should be in the 2020 crop plan for everyone who farms south of Highway 30 in Iowa!

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Western Iowa

Larry Krapfl

While traveling this week, it looks like the final cutting of alfalfa for the season has been cut. We just need dry weather to get it baled.

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Mother Nature continues to try and ruin this crop by sending severe weather. There was a tornado on the ground south of Dunlap, and east of Ida Grove, Iowa last evening.

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West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

Mike Williams is a farmer and agronomist at Gold-Eagle Co-op in Hardy, Iowa. He’s very impressed with this field planted to Latham’s 5020 conventional corn. At 35,000 plant population, it has excellent stand. Estimated yield is 225 bushels/acre.

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Central Iowa

Aaron Steenhoek

Check out this field of Latham’s 5742 RR (left) and 5725 VT2 PRO RIB (right) as it nears harvest in South Central Iowa! Be sure you are walking your fields for a pre-harvest check and prioritize which fields you want to harvest first this fall. Good luck and happy harvest!

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