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File1 1Our corn and soybean products performed exceptionally well in 2019, and as a result it’s been an exciting few weeks building customer crop plans for 2020. The Enlist E3™ platform is leading in early sales with many opting to try them for the first time next spring.

While supplies are getting tight for several products, Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds has a deep lineup. The following 10 soybean lines, in order of maturity, have performed very well plus strong supplies remain:

L 0124 R2X – This RR2 Xtend® soybean carries the K-gene for Phytophthora, has excellent tolerance to BSR and IDC, and is very good against White Mold. This soybean was the earliest entry in our 2019 research trails, and it still garnered 13th place in the overall summary.

L 0225 E3 – This E3 soybean features the 3a gene for Phytophthora. It also has excellent scores for Iron Chlorosis and Stress Tolerance. It was an early entry in SuperStrip TM plots at Maddock and Ardoch, ND, where it took 8th and 9th places respectively.

L 0282 R2X – In those same plots near Maddock and Ardock, this soybean took 1st and 3rd places! It also performed well in the F.I.R.S.T. trials (RRNO) and in Latham Research trials. Emergence and standability are outstanding, plus it has the C-gene and excellent IDC tolerance.

L 0995 E3 – One of the earlier entries in our research test, this soybean captured 10th place in the overall summary. It also did well in SuperStrips and F.I.R.S.T. trials. It has strong SCN protection, plus the 3a gene with very good tolerance to IDC, SDS and stress.

L 1769 R2X – This Ironclad™ Xtend soybean has excellent scores for both White Mold and Sudden Death Syndrome. It topped SuperStrip plots in Webb, Iowa, and Milbank, SD. It also had seven other Top 10 finishes in South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

L 2084 R2 – A long-time, top-selling variety, this soybean topped a SuperStrip near Watertown, WI. It also had several Top 10 places in other plots, including our own research and F.I.R.S.T. trials.

L 2186 L – This has been Latham’s top-selling LibertyLink® soybean for several years. It performed very well again in our 2019 research trials. It served as the check variety in a number of SuperSrtrip plots – sometimes winning the plot as the check!

L 2228 R2 – Our #1 selling soybean for several years, this Latham Ironclad bean performed very well in 2019 trials. It won five Top 10 F.I.R.S.T. trials, grabbed four Top 10 finishes in other plots and was the check in a number of SuperStrip plots.

L 2295 R2X – A personal favorite, this Xtend soybean is consistent. It has been a standout in the F.I.R.S.T. trials, as well as in Latham SuperStrips and research trials for years. In 2019, it topped four SuperStrip plots and had a host of Top Five finishes in other trials. It works best on better soils and high fertility fields.

L 2887 R2X – This popular Xtend line performed very well in 2019, taking 1st place at the SuperStrip plot in Center Point, Iowa. It also had three 2nd place finishes across Iowa and was 3rd at in our plot at Monroe, WI! It is widely adapted east to west and works well in all soil types.

These are just 10 of the products that we have excellent supply of for 2020 planting. Talk with our Dealer, RSM or Seed Account Manager on what other soybeans are available for your area.