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Detecting late season corn diseases ASAP will help you prioritize fields for harvest.  Hybrid maturity and crop residue management should take a backseat to weak stalks.  Start by harvesting fields with the weakest stalk to help preserve the quality and quantity of grain that goes into your hopper.

At this time of year, the biggest concerns are stalk rots or fusarium.  Warm, moist weather with extended periods of overcast skies and high humidity makes conditions ideal for stalk rot.  Later in the season, you might see stalks break or bend below the ear.

Walk fields now and note what you believe is the cause of stalk rot or lodging: fertility, hail, high wind, amount of rainfall, or the genetic predisposition of a hybrid.  The cause of stalk rot could affect the seed you purchase or your management practices in 2014.  There’s no better time than the present to plan your next crop!  Get your seed ordered while the availabilities of all products are at their highest.