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Farmers are continually working to increase their soybean yields. The statewide average in Iowa is now more than 50 bushels per acre, but last year several farmers broke the 80-bushel yield barrier with Latham soybean genetics and the Genuity® Roundup® Ready 2 technology.

Raising record-breaking soybeans begins before the seed even hits the soil. Mark Grundmeier, Latham’s product manager, recently contributed to a Wallaces Farmer article with tips on how to establish a good soybean stand.

In the article, Mark says the first step to establishing a good soybean stand starts with treated seed. The benefit from seed treatments far outweigh the costs. He adds that fungicide-treated seed is a must to prevent damping off from Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytopthora and Fusarium. It’s no secret soybean plants are subject to thousands of variables throughout the growing season.

Proper planting conditions are crucial, and Mark says it’s important to remember that it’s much better to plant correctly than to plant quickly. Soil temperature sets the stage for healthy growth, and he recommends a temperature of 50 degrees or more at planting.  It’s also important to wait for soils to dry. Wet soils cause trouble from the beginning, and compaction resulting from wet soil can kill root growth.

For Mark’s full list of tips to establish a good soybean stand, click here to read the article in Wallaces Farmer.