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Taking soil samples now will help detect Soybean Cyst Nematodes (SCN) but also will help farmers manage a SCN problem. If need be, Iowa State University Plant Pathologist Greg Tylka recommends that farmers switch to soybean brands that are SCN resistant.

“That single decision could pay dividends to the tune of 10, 15, 20 or more bushels per acre in yield by knowing if you have SCN and managing it properly with resistant soybean varieties,” said Tylka, last week in a news release distributed by the Iowa Soybean Association.

Tylka says management does take effort, but it is well worth it. “You can’t go by what you’re hearing your neighbors say is happening in their fields,” he says. “(Even) two fields on the same farm could be completely different.”

To hear Tylka discuss SCN in more detail, visit ISA’s Production Research Web site to listen to this podcast and others. You can also hear Tylka discuss both corn and soybean nematodes on July 30 during a special farm tour at Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds’ headquarters in Alexander, Iowa.

CystX for broad-based SCN resistance: CystX provides broad-based SCN resistance and significant cyst soil population reductions. CystX varieties show an observed tolerance to Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), have healthier root systems and possibly give higher test weights. For more information, click here.