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I was going to just write about why I vaccinate pigs in today’s blog, but that was before I read the January 4th issue of the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier. On the front page of the Cedar Valley section, in a “Dr. K column,” was a question about whether adults should drink protein shakes.

There are several reasons our bodies need protein, was the reply. Then Dr. K went on to explain how and why we need to consume a certain amount of protein every day. He even said there is no difference between proteins from plants and meat. However, the “good doctor” advocated for a diet rich in plant proteins because of fat in meat. You can about imagine what I was thinking when I read that!

Folks, a mistake was made about 40 years ago when many of our ailments were blamed the consumption of too much fat. And meat was blamed as the source of that fat!

New studies show we actually need fat in our diets. Yes, we must be careful with the amount we eat and we must balance what we consume. You know I like my bacon! As with everything, we should eat in moderation. We should not, however, avoid protein from meats.

Protein helps keep hunger at bay between meals and may facilitate weight loss. Studies even show that pork can be a healthy part of a well-balanced diet. Many cuts of pork are as lean as skinless chicken. Lean pork is a great source of lean protein and many essential vitamins and other nutrients. A 3-ounce serving of pork tenderloin is an “excellent” source of protein, thiamin, vitamin B6, phosphorus and niacin and a “good” source of riboflavin, potassium and zinc.

Going back to the advice from celebrity doctors… They are not always up on the latest information. They’re not always right. Half of Dr. Oz’s medical advice is baseless or wrong.

20150106_082146 copyAs if the Dr. K column wasn’t enough to get me riled, I read in the same Sunday newspaper a Q&A section. Readers send in questions that are then answered by staff from the newspaper and the Waterloo library. The first question was about pot use in Colorado: “Can employees come to work with pot in their system?” I passed on reading that!

The following question asked if a couple of football players could be relatives… Ok. The next question was “Are GMO crops responsible for the growing number of people with wheat and gluten intolerance?” This answer should be a no brainer, right? Wrong! The answer printed was, “It’s hard to know for sure.” WHAT?! What “medical evidence” supports this?

There is no GMO wheat! On top of that, only about one percent of the population has a legitimate problem with gluten. The other nine percent (the growing number) only think they do! Really, 17 million people may unnecessarily believe they are gluten-sensitive.

Many people are self-diagnosing today based on the amount of information available. But one can’t always believe doctors, the media or the library. Of course, the Internet isn’t always right. So whom can you trust? Talk to people who live it! This is the very reason I talk about my corn, soybeans, and pigs. I live this every day.

I try to know the science, and the emotion behind the food I grow. Even though I don’t have first-hand experience with wheat and gluten, I read about it. I follow blogs of farmers who grow wheat. I read blogs from people involved in studying genetics. I follow people from seed companies, too. (You can trust what you read on TheFieldPosition.)

To help me as a farmer connect with consumers, I also have joined our local Chamber of Commerce. This is why I’m very involved in the Town & Country Expo that will be held January 15 in Hampton, Iowa. I want to talk to people who have questions about their food because I want “No More Food Fights“!

Come join us for the conversation. I promise I’ll listen!