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XtendFlex soybeans, which were approved for global sale in September 2020, will be an important tool to manage resistant weeds. The combination of tolerance to dicamba (XtendiMax®, Engenia® and Tavium®), glyphosate (Roundup®) and glufosinate (Liberty®) herbicides offers a unique triple option of choices to control a wide range of grasses and broadleaf weeds in soybean fields.

Farmers who have used Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans are generally happy with their yields but desire better weed control options. Most farmers with whom I’ve visited believe they must wait as long as possible to apply the post-emergence dicamba products with the Xtend system. This application was later than ideal, resulting in weed escapes and even off-target movement of the dicamba herbicide to neighboring soybean fields that weren’t tolerant to that herbicide.

Using the XtendFlex system will allow farmers to apply dicamba herbicide earlier. They can spray either pre-emergence or early post-emergence when weeds are at labeled heights and are most sensitive to the herbicide. This should also greatly reduce the likelihood of off-target movement of dicamba to nearby sensitive crops.

Another benefit of the XtendFlex system is that farmers can apply Liberty herbicides up to the R2 stage of growth if there are any weed escapes. It is still highly recommended that weed management programs start with a pre-plant or early pre-emergence residual herbicide like Warrant®, Authority® or Sonic®. Regardless of which herbicide you use, please read and follow all label recommendations.

At press time, Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds will have seven XtendFlex soybeans available for spring 2021 planting:

  1. L 0728 XF – This 0.7 maturity soybean carries the combination 3a and 1c genes for Phytophthora and Brown Stem Rot resistance with good tolerance to Iron Chlorosis.
  2. L 1285 XF – This medium-tall, medium-bush type plant has the C-gene for Phytophthora. It also has above-average tolerance to White Mold, Brown Stem Rot and Iron Chlorosis. Maturity is 1.2.
  3. L 2283 XF – Very strong emergence, excellent tolerance to Brown Stem Rot and the C-gene for Phytophthora are a few highlights of this 2.2 maturity soybean.
  4. L 2385 XF – This 2.3 maturity line features the C-gene for Phytophthora with very good tolerance to Brown Stem Rot. It has above-average scores for White Mold and Iron Chlorosis.
  5. L 2494 XF – At a 2.4 maturity, this medium-bushy plant carries the C-gene for Phytophthora with outstanding emergence and early growth.
  6. L 3058 XF – Excellent tolerance to Brown Stem Rot and the 3a gene for Phytophthora are highlights of this 3.0 maturity line. Its emergence and standability are outstanding.
  7. L 3595 XF – This soybean features the 3a + K-gene for Phytophthora, very good tolerance to Frogeye Leaf Spot and excellent overall stress tolerance. It’s a fairly tall, medium-bush plant at a 3.5 maturity.

All of these XtendFlex releases carry strong Soybean Cyst Nematode tolerance. Contact your Latham Dealer or RSM for current availabilities.