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There’s nothing more inspiring than watching someone live her dream and love every minute. Laura Daniels, a Wisconsin dairy FarmHer, spoke at the 2nd Annual GROW by FarmHer conference in Ankeny, Iowa. She shared her #RootsinBoots story through a presentation entitled, “10 Life Hacks for the Dirty Work of Being a Growing FarmHer.

It didn’t take long for Laura to discover her
passion. When she was 11 years old, she showed her first dairy heifer calf at the county fair. She loved it, and Laura knew then that she loved farming. Below are lessons she learned along the way:

When Laura Daniels found her passion and discovered her #RootsinBoots
When Laura Daniels found her passion and discovered her #RootsinBoots

1.      Don’t play dead. After sharing a story about an unfortunate opposum, Laura reminded us we are here for a reason. Take advantage of ALL the opportunities; don’t play dead. This is your chance to explore ideas, be vibrant and become involved in the ways that mean the most to you.

2.      Your passion is your power. Every person has a different set of work ethics, morals, values and leadership experiences. Take your passion and find a way to become influential for those looking for guidance. Your passion is your power; be as powerful as you can.

3.      Remember who packed your parachute. As life has it, none of got where we are on our own. Who helped you along the way, who was your role model? This may be a parent, teacher or advisor who helped you put your best interest first. Thank these people for helping you achieve what you have so far because they are the ones who packed your parachute.

4.      Share your magic shoes. Each one of us has special attributes to make us who we are. Use that and help others in a way that you would want to be helped. Never underestimate the value of teamwork and helping others because you can always accomplish more with help.

5.      Know your true grit. What is most important to you? Figure out the qualities you want out from friends or employees and keep those qualities consistent. Knowing what you look for others will help you stay authentic to yourself.

6.      Our progress will be held against us. The industry has developed and advanced substantially within the last few years. This progress can make others doubt our true integrity. Be ready to help educate and explain the positive advancements in the industry.

7.      YOU are the hitch pin. Imagine the farmer as the tractor and consumers as the wagon. YOU are the hitch pin. It is your responsibility to share the story of agriculture, especially your story. No one can share your story better than you can.

8.      IDK is OK. The agricultural industry is very broad, so not knowing every answer is okay. Saying “I don’t know that answer, but here is a resource that might help you find your answer” is okay! It’s impossible to know everything, so share what you can. 

9.     You need your sisters more than ever. Use the relationships and connections you have gained from school, activities and personal life to help you get where you’re going. Women are beginning to overcome the status quo, but there is still plenty of work to do to fully break the glass ceiling.

10.   Take the bull in life by the horns. Take advantage of the life you have and experience all it has to offer. As Laura said “take life by the horns.” Have no regrets and find a learning experience in it all.

Laura left us all with some great points to think about and utilize as we continue writing our #rootsinboots story. When sharing your story and helping educate others, it might help to keep in mind this nugget of truth that Laura shared at the GROW conference in Iowa: “Things have changed, farms have changed, the heart of the farmer has not.

Find more inspiring #RootsinBoots stories below:


Without strong women to help shape and manage our company, Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds would be a very different company than it is today. We understand the key roles women play in everything from purchasing seed to marketing grain, from public relations and event planning to sales and customer service. That’s why we’re celebrating women who are doing what they love. From now through November, we’re showcasing women in agriculture by telling their #RootsinBoots stories. Follow along and be inspired by FarmHers across Iowa!

We’re looking for women, ages 18 to 108, who have a passion for agriculture and are willing to share their farm stories. Simply post photos of yourself on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtags #RootsinBoots #LathamSeeds and #FarmHer. Let your personality and work ethic show. We want to see what a “day in the life” of you is like!

Because each woman in agriculture is unique, everyone who submits a photo of herself either working in the field or working with livestock will be entered to win a $500 shopping spree at Western Edge LTD. There’s no limit to the number of entries, so increase your chances by posting across platforms via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Go to or click here for more information.